Evaluation is a decision-making tool.
Evaluation information can help you identify and understand what is working well, where things can be improved and what opportunities exist for development and growth. As part of evaluation, we utilize a variety of data collection tools and methods. For more information on the data collection tools we use in our evaluation work, please visit our Data Collection page.
Developmental Evaluation
Developmental evaluations report on the process of developing a new program and focus more on exploring dynamics and emerging connections/dependencies, rather than outcomes. These evaluations embrace change and innovation and provide you with real time information and on-going feedback that helps drive decision making and create new measurement tools as the program evolves.
Developmental evaluation is a process that puts our team at the table with your program and management team. If you are working on something innovative or working in an area that is emerging – a developmental evaluation process may be just the approach you need.
Performance Evaluation
Performance measurement is a tool that allows you to understand and report on effectiveness, efficiencies and operations. Performance information allows you to make informed decisions about your capacity, gaps and challenges as well as developmental opportunities.
Our team can help you determine the most important information you need for your decision making and how to determine what measures best represent this information as well as how to use it. Furthermore, performance measurement ensures that the information you require for an evaluation is always available.
Process Evaluation
Process or formative evaluations focus on project/program activities and operations with the goal of assessing whether or not a project/program is operating as intended. Our team can help answer questions like, did a program deliver all of the learning components it intended to deliver? Did it reach the intended population group?
Outcome Evaluation
Outcome or summative evaluations report on impacts and outcomes, both intended and unintended. Our team can help answer questions like, what happened as a result of the program? Was what happened in line with the program’s stated objectives?

Program Planning
We offer a variety of services related to program/organizational design, development and long-term planning. For example, our team can help you with needs assessments, best practice analyses, feasibility studies, and strategic planning which could involve activities such as file audits, employee surveys, key stakeholder interviews or community consultations. Our team can compile qualitative and quantitative information from multiple sources to give you the information you need.