Natalia Manjarres


Natalia Manjarres

Research Assistant

Natalia has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Toronto, with majors in Psychology and International Relations and a minor in Statistics. Throughout her undergraduate studies, Natalia completed two research projects using statistical analysis, including a capstone paper on a topic in political psychology. Her studies reinforced an interest in coding, research, and critical thinking.

Natalia has worked as a research assistant in the past, where she assisted with data collection tasks. She has also worked in various education roles, and served in leadership positions on student clubs, including sitting on the Board of Directors for the University of Toronto Outing Club.

Currently, Natalia is supporting the evaluation of Primary Care Networks across the province, as well as initiatives related to mental health and substance use.

Outside of work, Natalia enjoys cross-country skiing, camping, and being by the water. Originally from Toronto, she likes to try new things, and is currently learning to Latin dance.